Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A girls day out (with one boy)

Ladies, and lots of them---and one cute little three year old boy too ; ) They all came to my studio and had a fun photo shoot. We did individuals of all kids and some sibling portraits, and lots and lots of everything else! I think I will be editing these for a loooong time (which for me is like a week and a half!) ---I somehow managed to snap 500 photos! Yikes! So I will post a few as I get them done. One thing that totally struck me when working on these so far is Carleigh's portraits. What beautiful eyes she has! And Chelsea, she has "the look" down. She is quite the model! I will keep plugging away, so stay tuned for more!

Chelsea, striking her pose. : )

Is she not the cutest?!?!

What a beauty!

