Thursday, July 9, 2009


Talk about the perfect day for a portrait shoot in Rockford! Great weather (which is great since we already rescheduled due to rain) Town was extremely busy because of the blues band playing, so we headed off in the other direction and had a great time while the music played! Aiden did fantastic! Many little guys his age love to run around, but he was quite content to stay by us and show us his many expressions. He was a charmer, thank you Liz, for letting my camera and I spend some time with him.

We had to visit the same tree we visited 9 months ago. Who is growing faster...the tree or Aiden? I think definitely the latter. : )



Liz, I know you really wanted a picture of Aiden smelling the flowers. Here is one I took.

Splashing in the river, while listening to two guys playing guitar and singing. More serenading! It was definitely a theme that night!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

What a little man. LOVE the last pic!

