Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jacob -- One!

There are some photo sessions where I get in my car after it is over and take a deep breath and then laugh at the all that happened in the previous hours. This was one of those days. It was super hot and humid and Jacob's mom Sara and I were doing everything in our power to get Jacob's attention. Let me tell you...Jacob is the most active non-walker I have encountered. This kid is ALL BOY. If he sees something, he has to investigate and figure out how it works. I am all for getting images of kids just being kids. But there comes a point where you have enough photos of someone crawling and looking away, ya know? He saw a bike parking rack that was kind of small and circular and his thought was of course...I need to go through the tunnel! He kept us on our toes for sure. And I would have loved to have heard the thoughts of the people casually walking by as Sara and I sang random tunes. I found that "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" got his attention for about 5 seconds so I used that to my advantage. And then, by some kind of miracle, Sara and I struck gold: we sang "You Are My Sunshine" and he looked our way and smiled. Ah, yes. It was after that moment that we both sat back, wiped the sweat off our faces and packed up to go home. So if you heard two people singing "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine" while in Rockford one day, don't judge us by our voices, applaud us because it was at that moment we felt we acheived the impossible.
: )

Ahh! Twins! ; )

We tried really hard to get a certain shot with the hat and suitcase. Jacob had other ideas. What little boy doesn't dream of throwing his hat into a river?! Thankfully his mommy is quick and was one step ahead of him. She knows her little boy!

And here is where you could hear two tired ladies singing "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine..."

Thanks, Sara. I truly had fun. : )

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